Monday, January 25, 2016

DataStage Server Side Tracing

Server Side Tracing helps trace activity on Datastage server to help diagnose project problems. Server tracing to be disabled by default. When you enable it, information about server activity is recorded for any clients that subsequently attach to the project. This information is written to trace files, and users with in-deep system software knowledge can help identify the cause of a client problem. If tracing is enabled, users receive a warning message whenever they invoke a DataStage client. You can also view or delete current trace files from within this window by selecting the trace file and clicking on view or delete.

How to: We can enable the Server side tracing in Datastage Administrator. See below.

DS Administrator à Project à Properties à Tracing Tab/pageà Server Side Tracing àEnable (check mark) 

1 comment:

  1. thank you for information we will check it now you can also check for more articles
